Okay people. Listen up!
So, here I am with 17 days left and I am feeling intimated and nervous. What is going to boost my confidence?
1. Extra Cardio
2. More weight training?
3. Increase water intake?
4. I have no flippin idea.
The magical confidence booster I was looking for came in the form of a bikini fashion show at the gym...while lots of people were working out...and gawking...and drooling....and dropping weights. Sorry boys. We are just practicing for our show. It's all business. Don't mind us.
I arrived at the gym with 4 other girls for a posing lesson. Yes, I'm serious. We wore our bikinis, stripper heels and double dark tans and practiced front, back and side posing. The girls looked amazing and we were all feeling good. We learned lots of tricks to disguise imperfections. Part of it is illusion, but most of it is A$$ kicking in the gym for the last 3 months and I'm on track. It was an unexpected cure for all the self doubt I was having. Who knew that parading around in next to nothing in a gym full of people with 4 other super rocked girls would help? It was JUST what I needed. Brazilian bottom bikinis at the gym was just what I needed. Yes...I might be a little crazy. Maybe.
So, thank you to the amazing ladies who are right there with me. Thank you for being nervous, being honest and having real bodies. Thank for being positive, encouraging and TOUGH! You are all beautiful women and I can't wait to share this incredible end to an insanely challenging journey.
My tanning boutique of choice is Honeys in Santa Barbara. The owner, Christine Starr is also training for this competition and she is wonderful. She is offering a 25% discount to all of the girls in training (listen up, ladies!!) and has a few tanning levels to choose from. I went with the dark this time around. I trusted Christine's recommendation (even though I was slightly concerned about resembling Snooki) and it was perfect. Who knew this super white girl with Scottish blood and blue eyes could pull off an "I've just returned from Carnival in Brazil" kinda tan. I'm hooked.
If you have never spray tanned before and would like to, there are a few things you should know:
1. It's done in the nude. It will appear as though the sun shines where the sun don't shine.
2. You cannot shower, get sweaty or wash your hands for 6-8 hours afterwards. Got me out of doing the dishes.
3. Clothing should be dark and loose to prevent the tan from streaking/staining.
4. Be prepared to pose as instructed by the tanning staff, which yes, does include "turn around and bend at the waist".
5. Exfoliating beforehand will prepare the skin for the tan. Dry and grody skin will eventually slough off and give away your secret.
Don't be scared to take a trip to Honeys if you want to look nice and tan in the Fall weather. The vibe is warm and inviting and Christine is great! You will stand there in your birthday suit and she will make you feel very comfortable and make sure you leave looking like you just walked out of a magazine.
I will warn you, however that your spouse/significant other will probably love the new look and will probably fully ummmmmm "support" the new tanning routine.
Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I like it better than Christmas (God, strike me down), Thanksgiving and Easter (sorry again, Big Guy). I absolutely LOVE Halloween because it's really the only day of the year that people can display their creativity for the whole freaky world to see.
Costumes come in all shapes, sizes, colors and complexity. This year, I have seen:
**The obscure Pop Culture costumes (Jersey Shore, Flo from Progressive Insurance)
**The obvious celebrity costumes (Gaga, Brangelina, Justin Bieber)
**The sick and wrong costume (insert deceased celebrity and unfortunate cause of death here)
**The funny costume (Tiger Woods post-Elin-ass-whoopin')
**The clever, creative costumes (great job, Clockwork Orange girls!)
Also, anything where an infant is portrayed as food usually gets a giggle out of me. Poor little guy.
And then there are always those who should have thought more about showing the goods in their costume while at the office. Every office has one and no, I'm not going to post pictures of the "ones" I know. You know who you are and so does HR.
In previous years, I have been:
~ A Genie
~ A Marine
~ Rainbow Brite
~Schoolgirl (I think that one is a rite of passage in your 20's)
~ A Pimp
~Insert NSFW costume here
This year I dressed up as "I'm training for a Bikini Contest that takes place in 4 weeks. I can't drink, eat candy or splurge on a yummy dinner, so I am going to stay home, pout a little, stick to my diet and relax in my jammies" girl. It was very relaxing and quite possibly the warmest Halloween yet.
So, instead of going out to dance the night away in an inappropriate costume of choice, I stayed home. I did my usual Sunday night routine of cooking enough food to feed an NFL team so I can plan out my meals for the week. I made my weekly feast of 24 boiled eggs, 4 pounds of chicken and lots of green veggies. It's actually pretty darn good. My stove routinely looks like this on Sunday nights: