Abs. We all have them. They assist in lifting, supporting the back and keeping the pelvis aligned. I have sported an impressive 4 pack for most of my life. I would like to take this time to thank genetics and my abnormal aversion to doughnuts for my beginner ab-attack. Metabolism slows significantly at 30, so age definitely isn't aiding me in my "sit on my keister and stay skinny" idea. I think about a solution from time to time, and it's pictures like these that really get my attention.
One day as I was perusing Facebook, I saw pics from a local trainer who trains girls for Bikini competitions. The before and after pics were uber impressive and the girls were tight and toned without the giant quads and man-pecs that I usually see in female fitness competitors. Still, I thought that people who compete in fitness contests are crazy! Right?? Could I spend 3 months avoiding refined sugar, fats, carbs and fun? Could I spend 3 months doing 6 AM cardio sessions PLUS evening weight classes PLUS try not to drown in the required 1 gallon of water a day? No flippin' way!! Or could I?
I'm definitely not the fitness competition kinda girl. I'm not a trainer, a hardcore athlete or a gym rat. I'm the girl who runs a couple times a month when I'm feeling chubby, plays soccer once a week (sometimes goalie), and walks 10 miles only with the promise of a Nacho mountain at the end (Freebirds anyone??). I'm a healthy eater, but an evening of dancing, cocktails and 2AM pizza gets me every now and then. I save Fast Food for road trips and wine for fancy restaurants, but then there are those days when I just can't resist the call of Mexican Food (my fave).
Could I really ramp workouts WAY up, cut out all the Happy Hours, burritos AND Tempura Shrimp sushi? Could I keep up with the the endless pile of sweaty gym clothes? Could I wash the giant stack of dishes and weigh and prepack all the meals? More importantly, could I endure the sore muscles, avoid injury AND resurrect the abs of the old days??
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