Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bikinis and Banana Hammocks

Okay people. Listen up!

***Bikini Fever is officially OVER!***

After three months of hard training and crazy strict dieting, I competed and went home with an amazing experience and some rockin abs under my belt.

I came. I saw. I posed.

I have never felt healthier and more adventurous in my life and when I think back to the competition day, I absolutely CANNOT believe I actually went through with it.

The day before the competition went like this:
1) Drive to LA and find host hotel for tanning. This was an experience in itself and definitely deserving of its own Blog post (to follow). Ay yi yi.
2) After tanning, drive to the hotel that I was staying in for check-in.
3) Drive back to host hotel and check-in for the competition with the other competitors.
4) Drive back to my hotel to wait for my husband. Prepare for a night of not-so-great rest (thanks tanning shalack).
5) Attempt to sleep in dark sheets and blankets from home and stress about damaging hotel linens with tanning gunk..

The day of the competition went like this:
1) Wake up at 5AM (eeeeeeeeeeeeek!) after sleeping like crud.
2) Drive to host hotel for hair and makeup at 6AM.
3) Leave for competition site at 7:45 for 8AM briefing.
4) Arrive at site at 8:15 and completely MISS 5 minute briefing.
5) Learn that my category of competitors will be LAST to be on stage.
6) Wonder why I got up at 5AM to be on stage at 3PM.
7) Go backstage for tanning touchup and clear skin glaze before going on stage.
8) Pre-judging starts at 3PM, which entails walking across stage and performing practiced poses in front of judges.
9) Leave the site for IN N OUT BURGER!!!!
10) Return to show site and remember that we had to be back on stage after a yummy Double Double. (oops)
11) Go backstage again for second tanning touch-up/glaze and try to suck in the cheeseburger belly.
12) Back on stage for judges to award trophies.
13) Try not to trip as I exit the stage in 5 inch stripper heels.
14) Eat chocolate cookies!!!
15) Back to our hotel for a glass of Red Wine and a Cheese Quesedilla. Heaven. Serious.
16) Sleep like a baby after washing off the orange concoction that had been smeared on me repeatedly all day long.

The day after the competition went like this:
1) Wake up whenever the hell I want to and not go to the gym at 6AM.
2) Meet sister-in-law for breakfast.
3) Order oatmeal and egg whites and throw in some bacon so I can feel human again.
4) Tummy ache. Bacon is not my friend.
5) Drive all the way home from LA and revel in the fact that I worked my butt off for 3 months and just completed a competition with serious athletes and contemplate doing it all over again for a March show. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

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