In reviewing my social calendar prior to this training adventure, I had a few things to consider. Could I pack & plan food for everyday activities, road trips, a trip to Vegas and eat enough during soccer season? Could I somehow contribute and not eat at the soccer fundraiser that I planned at a PIZZA restaurant? Would I have to avoid all the Sunday football gatherings at local watering holes that serve copius amounts of delicious fried foods?

One of the first events during this training seemed harmless enough. It was a concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl. If you have ever been to the Bowl, you know it is party central. Any place that allows you to condense 2 glasses of wine into a GIANT plastic cup is alright in my book. Someone (probably a woman) was thinking ahead when they implemented this policy, although I'm not convinced it was for the benefit of the environment. Carrying one LARGE cup instead of two smaller cups enables women who are now carrying fashionably LARGE purses, cell phones, ect. to usher their vat of wine to their seats with the greatest of ease while keeping one hand free in case an unruly section of hair gets stuck in the lip gloss. Did I mention that the SB Bowl can be a bit of a fashion show? And there is a hill. There is a long, super steep, glute workout worthy incline that everyone must conquer to get to their seats. Watching all the spray tanned, lip glossed fashion plate newbies navigate that long, steep hill in 4 inch heels (after said vat of wine) is highly entertaining.
Before concerts, guests usually pre-party at local restaurants or at a friend's home. Pre-parties start around 4 or 5 for a 7 PM concert. I have always enjoyed these pre-parties and subsequent vats of wine during the shows, but this time would be a bit different.
Before the concert, we met at a friend's house who lives near the Bowl. Having a friend who lives near the Bowl is very valuable. The venue is in a residential area, so parking is extremely limited. We hung out with our friend in the backyard and caught up before the concert. The wine and beer were flowing, the sun was shining, people were chatting and I was sipping on WATER like it was going out of style. My goal was to drink 2 bottles of water while we were there so I could hit the ladies room at our friend's home rather than try to navigate the through Drunk Fashion Plate City at the Bowl.
I noticed a few things while I was drinking water and watching my friend partake in yummy Pinots and Savignon Blancs:
1. People who are not usually chatty have LOTS to say when the buzz kicks in.
2. Being sober around people who are not is slightly annoying.
3. Water is not as delicious as Savignon Blanc in the warm Summer sun.
4. Snacks that accompany wine are more delicious than my salmon over lettuce with Olive Oil dinner.
5. People talk really LOUD after a glass or two of wine/beer
6. Adding lemon to my water did not help make it more exciting.
7. Being sober around people who are not does not get less annoying as the night progresses.
The concert was really fun. I had my feet stepped on, beer spilled on me and some old ladies who had a wee bit too much to drink elbow me in the head as they jumped around trying to find the beat of every song. I was happy that they only lasted a few minutes before they decided that they needed refills. Apparently, alcohol clouds your judgement. Who knew?
The band was GREAT, the venue is always awesome and the company was fantastic. I enjoyed myself, but definitely fizzled out early. I was ready to take my bruised feet, beer-soaked socks and tired eye balls home around 9 PM. But, I powered through and thanked my lucky stars that the Bowl shows must end by 10PM.
The next morning I noticed a few more things:
1. I was not hungover!
2. I remembered the whole concert.
3. I didn't smell like leftover wine.
4. I slept great.
5. I had a productive day at work.
6. The gym was actually fun at lunch time.
7. We didn't spend any moolah on a cab.
I'm really not used to being the designated driver, but my first DD Bowl show was a success. I'm sure there will be plenty of DD opportunities coming up for me between now and December 4th.
Call me if you need a ride!
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