I'm not a morning person. Ever. I am the queen of comfy blankets and snooze buttons. I sleep like a rock most nights and rarely ever get up during the night. I am also very proud of my abilities to sleep while at the movie theater, on an airplane, in a car or under a nice, shady tree on a hot day. I rarely have trouble sleeping in hotels or while visiting friends. Yep...it's one of my many talents, which may or may not include Narcolepsy. :-)
I am currently in Week 4 of the 12 week Fitness Comp training program. I lift weights 3 evenings a week, do early morning cardio 4 days a week and due to scheduling issues, I had to change one of my weight lifting days to a 6AM class. Uhhhhhhhhhhh...WHAT?? Did I mention that I like to sleep?
So, I set my alarm for 5:15 AM and only hit the snooze a few times before I got up and headed out the door. I was actually on time, which isn't like me. I slept in my gym clothes the night before to decrease the task list for the morning and increase the last few moments of sleep. Not sure if my method is genius or pure laziness, but I do it nonetheless.

The class was difficult, but I was awake. I wondered if my early morning cardio sessions were actually becoming part of my new routine. Was I actually getting used to the grueling morning schedule and becoming a morning person? The jury is still out, so I will go with maybe.
As I was leaving class, one of my fellow Fitness Comp trainees said that it takes 21 Days to change a habit. Funny enough...today is day 21. Our bodies are accustomed to certain habits, good and bad and apparently it takes time to change them. If the Queen of Sleeping can actually train herself to get her happy arse out of the comfy, cozy, warm bed and head to the gym, liftweights for an hour and then be home for breakfast by 7:15 AM, then anyone can.
Now if I could only find 21 days to lay off the nail biting. Hmmmmm....