This Blog has been dormant for a few weeks. I will blame my chocolate indulgence, holiday hangovers, fast food trips, lazy couch days and my blatant lack of activity/motivation.
P.S. I loved every minute of it.
December 4th marked the last day of my last fitness show training journey. The pride I felt that day as I was surrounded by 7 other girls who sacrificed, pushed and cried as much as I did was immense. We all stood there with our 6 packs, hooker heels, spray tans and BEAMING smiles while family and friends congratulated us on a job well done. It was an amazing experience....
Yes, I'm slightly crazy.
Training started again on January 3rd. I enjoyed the holiday food, drinks and laziness after the December 4th show. I drank enough Starbucks Hot Chocolate to float a cruise ship (don't forget the peppermint!). I had toast and juice for breakfast, pizza for dinner and cocktails with friends. I enjoyed myself everyday....but something was missing.
That something was my energy! The physical manifestation of 3 months of ass kicking in the gym countless times per week had started to fade. My 6 pack was slowly becoming a 4 pack and the little jiggle was coming back to visit. I can handle all that. It was my new identity as lethargic lump on the couch that I could not.
So, let's do it again!!! Let's drink a gallon of water a day! Let's eat chicken breast & egg whites until we can't stand it and let's go to the gym at 6AM for cardio!!! I'm soooooooooooo excited!!! Well, not really. But, if I don't try to summon that little cheerleader once in a awhile, then I may not make it.
I AM excited for the energy the gym gives me and the wonderful ladies who train in this program. And I AM excited for another show on March 26th.